Weekly update for 4/15/2018

Hello dear readers,

It’s that time again… time for the weekly update (dun dun dunnnnn).  This was actually a relatively eventful week by my standards, surprisingly enough, at least when compared to the last week or two.  When I think on’t, I’m actually kind of surprised.

The dumbest thing to happen to me this week is this stupid cold *grrrr* that I somehow contracted.  I woke up with a scratchy throat, and I’m typing here with tissue shoved up my nose.  *grrr*  It’s certainly not the most attractive look in the world.  I suppose I could take a picture, but it might frighten everyone away.  I look haggard, and I speak with the voice of a 2 pack per day smoking habit.  Ugh.

But that won’t put a damper on my spirits, oh no!  It’s time to press onward and upward!

So… what did I do this past week?

I hung out with a couple of friends on Wednesday.  It was nice to get out of the house, and actually do something.  Granted, not much of any value or significance was done, but that’s perfectly okay.  It had been awhile since I was able to do something with a non-family person.

We also checked out a Toys R Us.


I have to say that it was one of the saddest things I’ve seen (that doesn’t revolve around death or loss).  It wasn’t busy, and there were a couple of flickering florescent lights.  It’s a sad way for such a memory-filled place to end: puttering, and flickering out.  Man, I remember getting those paper slips and taking them to the counter where the video games were held behind a fence.  I have many wonderful memories of the place, and it is quite sad to see this American institution fade away.  What a world *sigh*  I’ve heard many different reasons why TRU is closing, and I don’t want to get into them in the post, but here’s a classic remembrance from my childhood:

I also participated in WalkMS 2018 on Sunday in Carlsbad, CA.

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The starting line… how apropos to my life.

The walk is put on by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and there are eventsall over the country to support research into finding a cure for the degenerative neurological disease that affects the central nervous system.  There is no known cause, nor cure, but it effects a ton of people every year.  I went in support of a family member who has the disease.  Unfortunately, that member of my family was unable to make it to the event, but I was able to spend time with other members of my family.  Carlsbad is a lovely place and it was nice to spend time with my family, especially as there is that possibility that I won’t be able seeing them much longer for a while (seeing as I’ll be in an entirely different country on the other side of the world, after all :P).


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The different colors are so awesome!

We went to breakfast at a local restaurant called The Beach Plum Kitchen, which is an American fusiony place… I can’t think of any other way to describe them.  In any case, the food joint offers a wide selection of different kinds of food.  I ordered the breakfast burrito with applewood smoked bacon, and the chai Latte.  The burrito was pretty tasty, and the chai was lovely.  I’m generally good with either spiced or sweeter chai, and this was more on the sweeter side.  It was also pretty 😛

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Lovely chai.

Other than that, I can’t think of anything else that happened the past week.  I am getting my resume together to submit it for employment opportunities, and I’ll be making up my mind soon as to what I want to do with my short-term future.

I can’t believe I almost forgot… I picked up my TESOL certificate on Wednesday, which makes me officially official 😛  I also had an interesting conversation with the head of the TESOL department with regards to my future plans, and she gave me quite a bit to think about.  I’m still undecided because it’s such a huge decision for me to make, although I fear that I’m overthinking everything as usual.  Hopefully my life issues get resolved soon 😛

In any case, I hope that everyone has a lovely day, and I’ll be talking to you again soon!

All the best,


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