Weekly update for 4/29

Hello everyone,

It’s time for last week’s update this week!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking… about life, this blog, the future… so many light and fluffy things, right 😛

I did write a short story that has gotten all of one view plus my mum and maybe one of my sisters 😛  The utter lack of success with regards to this story has given me lots to think about, which leads me to wonder how much work it takes to gain enough viewers that they would read creative content.  I also wonder what search tags I would need to utilize to get noticed… I think that the biggest problem that I need to overcome, at least with regards to my blog in general, is my lack of reading and interacting with other blogger’s content.  I mean, I will comment on people’s blogs, but I don’t nearly spend enough time doing so.  And I wonder if the lack of views on the story can be attributed to the quality of the content itself 😛

I did have the opportunity to help proofread a classmate’s statement of purpose, and I kind of like to proofread and edit stuff.  Weird, right?  Perhaps it’s the burgeoning teacher within 😛

I almost had the opportunity to tutor a couple of English learners, but those fell through *sigh*  I wonder if my tutoring failures is some kind of cosmic hint 😉  I do need to get into the teaching thing so I do not become as a dull blade.  I wish to remain sharp enough to cut through steel 😛

Speaking of the teaching thing, I’ve been plunking out a resume to submit to a bunch of places.  I think I’ve got the formatting all set, and now I’ve got to work on cover letters.  At least I hope my resume is all ready :\

I don’t like the picture I took though.  For anyone who may not know, one feature of Japanese resumes is a professional photo in the corner.  I think that my photo ended up looking a little arrogant, mostly because I don’t know how to smile for photographs—it’s a legitimate curse *grr*

In positive news, Yowamushi Pedal is becoming less terrible the past couple of weeks by refocusing on the primary protagonists (a shock, I know)… Wait, that’s another post that only has had three potential views 😛

I really need to rethink how I approach blogging because I’m not really gaining a whole lot of traction with my posts, and unless I want to scream at the void, I need to come up with a better strategy going forward.

In any case, I hope that whomever reads this has a wonderful day, and I’ll be talking to you soon!

All the best,


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