Weekly Update for the week of 4/30-5/06

So I just realized, as I typed this out that continuing to call this feature a “Weekly Update” is dumb, especially since talking about what I did last week near the end of this week seems…

Perhaps I should re-brand this whole thing or something 😛

Weekly update pic1-BW 5-06
Sunset Break

One of the perks about writing a weekly update in close proximity to the actual week is that much of what I did is still close in my memory.  Writing it now feels pointless.

But I suppose that is the point.  I need to get back in the habit of posting stuff on a more regular basis.  I’ve been, generally speaking, neglecting my blog, and the problem is that it’s easier to get out of doing something that getting back into it.

So, I suppose I’ll close this short post by saying that I’ll develop a much more coherent posting schedule, and I let y’all know soon 😊

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I’ll talk to you soon!

P.S. To show the power of editing, here is the original image straight out of camera:

Weekly update original 5-06

Pretty neat how editing changes everything, right?

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