Weekly update for 5/7-5/13

The Big A

Hello everyone! It’s time for an update:)

So, I’ve spent much of the past week getting my resume in order. I hired a resume editing service— the same one I used when I was composing my JET SOP— and I got back what I think is a pretty tightly edited document that I can feel confident in sending out to places. Wish me luck as I slog through cover letters 😬

I also went to the Angels game this past Sunday against the Astros with a bunch of family.

I’m admittedly still working on my Selfie skills ‘Twas loads of fun, as a baseball game is wont to be, and the Angels shut the Astros down.< em>There’s just something about food at the ballpark… Not seen is the hot dog I inhaled right before this picture🤤

The final play! How sweet is that? I’m an Angels fan, by the way 😜 It was a fun night, and I hope that I can see more games this summer.

As for this week, like I mentioned earlier, I’m going to be working on cover letters and getting geared up to send out a million or so applications. Hopefully something good turns up *has hope*😃

Take care everyone, and I hope to talk to you again!

I think it’s better 😅

All the best,


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