Weekly update for 5/14-5/20

Hello everyone,

Like a company’s fiscal year, here I am here at an odd day of the week with an update…  In reality, I kept falling asleep when I tried to finish and post this… so there you go 😛  Just imagine that I’m posting this last Sunday, or something.

Well, I have my resume essentially in order (thanks AltInsider, once again!), and I’m trying to plunk out not terrible cover letters so I can send it it to potential employers. *crosses fingers for good cover letters* I’ve found that trying to write something like is kind of exhausting in its own way.  My first few attempts at a cover letter left me like this: 🤮

This past week was also the celebration of the day that one of my uncles was born.  A bunch of the family went to an Italian food restaurant down in Little Italy, San Diego… I can’t for the life of me remember what the place was called, but it was delicious.  If it comes back to me, I’ll let ya’ll know 🙂  I had salmon-stuffed ravioli in some kind of pink-ish sauce with something like a million pieces of bread, and it was all tasty to the max!  I had no room for dessert, however 😦  It was fun catching up with everyone.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week, and stay thirsty, my friends.


Oh, and there’s no particular reason for the featured image.  I just think ghost pictures are awesome.


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