Life update 9/13/2019

Hello lovely readers,

Guess what?  I’m going to South Korea!!!!!!

I’ll see ya’ll later,





Okay, maybe I won’t just leave it at that 😛

I am indeed heading to South Korea to teach English.  Trying to get everything ready, has perhaps unsurprisingly (lol) added a significant amount of stress on my life.

It’s coming down to crunch time, and I feel a touch behind in my preparations *holds up finger and thumb*  That being said, I kind of always feel that way regardless of what I do 😛

I just have a billion zillion bajillion million googolplex things to do.  I will get done.  I have to get done…

Eep.  Wish me luck everyone *sweats profusely*  Just writing this is giving me heart palpitations lol.  I know that this isn’t the longest blog, and perhaps that’s a good thing when you consider the length of my reviews 😏  In any case, I’ll toss you guys a larger conversation on the topic soonish(?)

Me vs the approaching due date.

All the best,


While not related to anything I just wrote, just look at these cute critters 🙂

4 thoughts on “Life update 9/13/2019

    1. Kevin Quam

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment 🙂 I’m definitely going to take zillions of pictures while I’m over there, you don’t have to worry about that 😁 Thanks for the kind words!


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