Adventures in Korea: This weekend… It’s here!

Hello lovely readers,

Although I’m currently sitting in front of my computer with tissue shoved up my nose, I’ll have you know that I’ve survived another week, believe it or not 🤧  There’s this  feeling of relief that has managed to peek above the hole it had been hiding in…

Hold on just a second…


“Hello emotion that I haven’t seen for a long time!  How have you been?  No, don’t come out yet.  I’m just glad to see that you’re still alive.  I’ll let you know when you can come over here.”

With that taken care of, let’s get back to business.

I’m definitely on the upswing with regards to my cold.  Cold’s seem to linger, so I’ll be dealing with the aftermath for a while, but hooray for getting well.  Although it took seemingly forever, the body’s ability to heal itself is truly a marvel.  Just a couple of days ago, I was like blhfdsdhgonrqioen, but now I’m ready to run a marathon…  well, maybe not that… although it probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for me to get into some semblance of shape.  My knees would hate me soon enough though 😋



So I went to get a milk tea this morning from a place that calls itself “MEGA COFFEE.”  It has tasty non-coffee beverages, and I picked one up to pick me up.  So, the transaction went normally, but when I gave the gentleman the total, I was short-changed.  After some initial confusion, where he thought that I was wanting a bill broken, he opened the register and was aghast when he saw that he had given me the incorrect change.

It was quickly remedied, and the gentleman offered me a cookie to compensate me for the mistake.  I politely refused for a second, but he insisted, and I accepted the gift.  My first thought was that I will be going back– you can never underestimate the impact of good customer service.  If tipping was a thing in Korea, I would have tipped him a large amount.  I hope that I came across well even in the confusion.


So I’m off to Nakwon tomorrow.  Even if I sleep in, I’ll have time to get out there, and my music odyssey will finally be over.  I wonder what my next overly drawn out non-adventure will be 😋


I guess we’ll see what happens, right?

As I come to the twilight of my first month, I have to say that after starting with a solid -1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000%, I’m closer to… a 64.3216432164321%.  That’s an improvement, right 😁  That being said… hoo boy were those kids rambunctious today.  And there are some who really like to push even after I present the idea of a reward with them.

I’ll put three stars on the board and when the students get out of hand, I take away one star.  If they have one star by the end, they’ll get to watch a video or play a game.  I don’t know if they’ve gotten to the end one time.  And I’m not even that strict.  The only time I’ve deviated from not punishing the entire class was when I held the reward of candy over the students.  One student was so disruptive that I gave candy to the rest of the class except for him because they were fairly well-behaved.  I thought that this student’s actions went above and beyond, but I’d like to think that the other students’ behavior deserved to serve as a model to the poorly behaving kid to show how one should behave.  And it showed the others what kind of behavior gets rewards.  I had both positive and negative reinforcement all in one day.

I just have to get the kids to stop being so crabby about writing.  Wish me luck.

*looks at time*  Geez, it’s rather late!  3:43 am really creeps up on you, doesn’t it?  Until next time, everybody.

I wish you all the best,


So, I had a thought… would anyone be interested in watching me fumble around on the Youtubes?  I guess the better question would be, would I even be able to juggle the time that it would take to create interesting videos, writing this blog, doing the teaching thing, and attempting to have interpersonal relationships with people?  That sounds utterly exhausting.

I suppose one may leave a comment and let me know 😋

Baskin Robbins has Halloween-themed ice cream 🤯  The brown and blue is called “Wizard’s Halloween” and is of the mint chocolate chip variety, and the other “Monster’s Halloween.”  I think that one was pistachio or something like that.  Both ice creams had pop rocks and were absolutely delightful.

2 thoughts on “Adventures in Korea: This weekend… It’s here!

  1. Sharon Gould

    Hi Kevin, what a week. The lesson plan on the super hero was very creative. Let us know how it turns out. I am worried about your cold. I had a chuckle about the tissue up your nose. You learned that trick from your mother. But it works. About the u-tube thing. I know nothing about u-tube but it sounds good. Just take a project one at a time. When you get to feeling good about your teaching you can do the u-tube thing. But I will have to get Jeff to help me out to look at it. All in all I notice great progress this week and even when you were sick. Bravo!!!!!! So proud of you. I loved that you noticed that the clerk had short changed you. You are getting better at that too. Love you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kevin Quam

      I’m crossing my fingers that the next part of the superhero lesson works out okay.

      I’m at the point now where I don’t have to shove a tissue up my nose. Blowing it is kind of gross though 😉

      Youtube is a video posting website.

      As for the clerk, my ability to communicate with him stretched as far as pantomiming what I was trying to say lol.

      Love ya, too 🙂


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