Horror Month 2023 episode 1: “Talk to Me” (2023)

Wow. I can’t believe that it’s been this long since I’ve written anything on the blog. You’d think that I’d forgotten about it. On the contrary, I’m presenting my attempt at Horror Month 2023 for your consideration. I expect my writing will be a touch rough, but I hope that I can find my groove. Without further ado, I present the first entry for this year’s Horror Month: Talk to Me.

Talk to Me (2023) is a horror film directed by Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou and starring Sophie Wilde. When I first saw the trailer, I thought that it looked dang creepy. On the surface, the concept might have seemed goofy– you talk to the dead by saying, “Talk to me” after taking hold of a severed hand, but it’s much darker than that. From the opening stinger, to the ending of the film, the movie is quite intense .

Wilde is Mia, a high school student trying to process the tragic loss of her mother while growing with her new family. She seems to be successful, all things considered, although it seems as if there is a distance between her and her father. Spreading around social media, there is a viral video showing what seems to be possession parties. On the anniversary of her Mother’s death, she attends one of those “parties.” After what seems to be just a lark– creepy, but ultimately harmless– until a series of events lead to something much more frightening.

What was most impressive about this film was how well-thought out the script was. The characters weren’t caricatures, and were so likable that I wanted to see them succeed against the malevolent forces working against them. Even the younger brother was genuinely likable. There wasn’t a ton of gore, but the violence in the film was intense and shocking, proving to be extremely effective. From the beginning stinger, Talk to Me grabbed you tightly, and wouldn’t let you go until the closing credits. The themes of loss and addiction (while not uncommon in horror films) were realized effectively.

The only real criticism that I have with the film is that there is a moment or two where character act out of… character. In that moment, one of the characters comes across another who had been grievously injured. This particular character should have– would have– called for help, but the film doesn’t show this, and it’s unclear what happened to the wounded character. It’s an annoyance in a key moment in the film, in my opinion. Does it break my disbelief? No, but it was surprising in a what is a well-crafted film.

That being said, I think that the movie is an effective meditation on grief and loss, and how we process that pain. I also think that the ending is fantastic. I can’t always say that, especially with horror, but in this instance, it’s a fantastic way to cap off the story. Well done, film. Well done.

So it begins, another attempt at horror month. It’s been awhile, but let’s see how it goes this month. If you have any ideas for what I should cover, let me know, and until next time…

2 thoughts on “Horror Month 2023 episode 1: “Talk to Me” (2023)

  1. Teresa Quam

    I’m glad to see you are back in your horror movie groove. This sounds like a thought-provoking film rather than just a gratuitous scare.


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