Adventures in Korea: Welcome to Sunday

Hello lovely readers, It’s Sunday, May 03, 2020. Today got off on entirely the wrong foot.  I was up until after 6am, trying to troubleshoot technology issues.  Did I get them solved? Ha! I wanted to throw everything out the window because nothing seemed to be working at all.  When I attached my phone to …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Welcome to Sunday

Adventures in Korea: It should really be called WENTurday, not SATurday

Hello lovely readers,  Saturday.  May 2, 2020.  It's day the third of my vacation and my adventuring.  This time, I’m writing to you from a coffee shop in Central Park. How did I find myself all the way in Central Park? It then came down to me looking at the subway map, scanning for an …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: It should really be called WENTurday, not SATurday

Adventures in Korea: Thanksgiving… on Saturday???

Hello lovely readers, It is Thanksgiving... What's that, you ask?  Thanksgiving was on Thursday?  But wait... what's this I see?  It's Saturday 😮 Is that a turkey?  Why yes it is.  It was quite the specimen, and awfully delicious. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Saturday was T-day out here-- and it was time …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Thanksgiving… on Saturday???

Adventures in Korea: Thursdays…

Hello lovely readers, Holy smokes.  Somehow this post was completely erased before it was posted 😡😡😡  So here it is once again. It's Thursday.  This morning, I went to a professional development session with the rest of the school.  We had to leave at 8:50... AM!!!!! 💤 My boss mentioned to me on the way that since …

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Adventures in Korea: Saturday, what a day, crusin’ all week with you.

Hello lovely readers, It is indeed Saturday, the day where you theoretically get to recuperate if you work a Monday-Friday.  And here we are. It was a beautiful and crisp day, so I took the opportunity to walk to the Subway station.  Along the way were freshly fallen leaves that were crispy underfoot.  There is …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Saturday, what a day, crusin’ all week with you.

Adventures in Korea: Can it be… an actual adventure???

Hello lovely readers, I have this tendency to almost miss things.  This morning, between snoozing my alarms, I was quite nearly was late for a meeting I was supposed to attend. But some how, some way, I made it... barely. It was a gathering of all the English teachers in the Incheon area, and it …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Can it be… an actual adventure???

Adventures in Korea: A Saturday delay

Hello lovely readers, I can't seem to do anything but get further behind in posting these posts.  I apologize for that.  This is my post for Saturday, November 2, 2019. I had intended on doing some adulting today.  The dust bunnies living on my floor tell me that I need to give the place a …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: A Saturday delay

Adventures in Korea: The almost middle of the work week post.

Hello lovely readers, Well, Tuesday came and went, and I didn't suck 🥳 I may be actually making progress with my Tuesday classes.  For example, I've been making a point to tell my students to put away their cell phones and for little bit of time it was difficult to get them to put their …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: The almost middle of the work week post.

Adventures in Korea: The late(r) edition… again

Hello lovely readers, Editor's Note: I completely forgot to post this, so here you go... Sunday's post today. Well, it’s another Sunday, and another week gone. I can’t believe that’s been four of them  since I've gotten here. Time is just zooming by. I’m still in the throes of this dumb cold, and it’s starting …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: The late(r) edition… again

Adventures in Korea: 1 step forward, 5 steps back

Hello lovely readers, Sigh... Why is it that when there's a wonderful day, there's always another that knocks us down a bit? Okay... perhaps that's a bit of an overreaction, and in retrospect, perhaps I'm just being super hard on myself, but ugh *buries hands in head* Let me take a step back. One of …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: 1 step forward, 5 steps back