My Year in Korea: A Prelude

I originally meant to have this posted January 07, but it's a little delayed… obviously. Here is the first of the planned posts about my year in Korea. I’d like to think that it’ll all make sense at the end of it all. Without further ado, here we go! A Prelude: Snow It snowed yesterday. …

Continue reading My Year in Korea: A Prelude

The Year in Review: 2020, an Introduction

Hello lovely readers, It’s now officially 2021.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I suppose that I could just end this post, and that would be totally apropos. 2020 was really something, wasn’t it? Hopefully it’s off to a blessed beginning for everyone and …

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Adventures in Korea: Monday Blues

Hello lovely readers, So, I realized that I didn't finish posting about my vacation!  Without further ado here is my next vacation day. So, it’s Monday, May 04, 2020. It’s the second to last day of vacation, and well… they can’t all be winners, right?  My big quest today was to to pick up an …

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Adventures in Korea: Welcome to Sunday

Hello lovely readers, It’s Sunday, May 03, 2020. Today got off on entirely the wrong foot.  I was up until after 6am, trying to troubleshoot technology issues.  Did I get them solved? Ha! I wanted to throw everything out the window because nothing seemed to be working at all.  When I attached my phone to …

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Adventures in Korea: It should really be called WENTurday, not SATurday

Hello lovely readers,  Saturday.  May 2, 2020.  It's day the third of my vacation and my adventuring.  This time, I’m writing to you from a coffee shop in Central Park. How did I find myself all the way in Central Park? It then came down to me looking at the subway map, scanning for an …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: It should really be called WENTurday, not SATurday


Adventures in Korea: Vacation adventures abound

Hello lovely readers, It's Thursday, April 30, 2020.  That means that it's time to have an adventure! So what did I do today? First of all, I chatted with one of my friends back home for a couple of hours.  I originally wanted to try and see if he wanted to test out streaming sharing …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Vacation adventures abound

Adventures in Korea: Vacation Adventure Time

Hello lovely readers, Long time, no see.   In case anyone’s wondering, I am alive and well out here in the lovely land of Korea.  Much has happened to me, but more importantly, I’m on vacation the next few days! Does this mean that I have some crazy plans lined up?  Am I going to go …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Vacation Adventure Time

Adventures in Korea: Sundayies

Hello lovely readers, It's Sunday once again, and it's time for another... interesting mass. Before that, let me just just say that I didn't really do anything else today-- it was just time to just kickback.  Then there was mass. It was a little easier to get to mass today-- I didn't bring the extra …

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Adventures in Korea: Lotte World

Hello wonderful readers, It's Saturday, which means that it's time for me to be a tourist 🥳  Today I get to go to... Lotte World Adventure-- dun dun duubuun. Lotte World is this famous theme park out here, not only with the tourists, but with locals as well.  I specifically wanted to go, because the …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: Lotte World

Adventures in Korea: One more day until an adventure

Dearest readers, It's Friday, testing day, the day before the weekend, and a big adventure.  But first I had to make it through the gauntlet. In one of the youngs classes, we had a jolly time before class. With the youngs at least, I think that I've managed to do a good job connecting with …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: One more day until an adventure