Adventures in Korea: A Saturday delay

Hello lovely readers, I can't seem to do anything but get further behind in posting these posts.  I apologize for that.  This is my post for Saturday, November 2, 2019. I had intended on doing some adulting today.  The dust bunnies living on my floor tell me that I need to give the place a …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: A Saturday delay

Adventures in Korea: This weekend… It’s here!

Hello lovely readers, Although I'm currently sitting in front of my computer with tissue shoved up my nose, I'll have you know that I've survived another week, believe it or not 🤧  There's this  feeling of relief that has managed to peek above the hole it had been hiding in... Hold on just a second... "Hello emotion …

Continue reading Adventures in Korea: This weekend… It’s here!

Life update 9/13/2019

Hello lovely readers, Guess what?  I’m going to South Korea!!!!!! I’ll see ya’ll later, Kevin . . . Okay, maybe I won’t just leave it at that 😛 I am indeed heading to South Korea to teach English.  Trying to get everything ready, has perhaps unsurprisingly (lol) added a significant amount of stress on my …

Continue reading Life update 9/13/2019

Weekly update for 4/15/2018

Hello dear readers, It’s that time again… time for the weekly update (dun dun dunnnnn).  This was actually a relatively eventful week by my standards, surprisingly enough, at least when compared to the last week or two.  When I think on’t, I’m actually kind of surprised. The dumbest thing to happen to me this week …

Continue reading Weekly update for 4/15/2018