Weekly Update for the week of 3-26, Part II: Easter edition

So how ’bout that previous blog post… I’ll just call this an addendum to the previous blog post.  Weekly Update for 3-26 part 2, if you will.  I was far too into my own head when I posted the last post, and I completely forgot that last Sunday was also Easter!  So, I was wrong …

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Weekly update for 3/25/2018

Hello readers! I just realized that I hadn’t written anything for my blog in a while!!!  So, here is the fashionably late weekly update for last week. Last week was pretty eventful for me.  It was the last week of the TESOL program, and I had to give one full lesson and part of another.  …

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Weekly update for 3/11/18

Hello my lovely lovely readers! It’s time for the weekly update (I really need to get this done on Sundays instead of the next week)!  Woo hoo! Anywho, here is what happened this week… There are three things that stuck out to me.  Firstly, I watched the fantastic first season of March Comes in like …

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Weekly update 3/07/2018

Hello everyone!  It’s time for… the weekly update! Yeah, I know it’s later than Sunday, but it’s okay!  Que sera, sera… Shoganai… and all that jazz:P Thinking about the last couple of weeks… there hasn’t been anything Earth-shattering other than completely changing my computing situation for the better.  I also changed my keyboard from the …

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